Sunday, August 12, 2012


Who you are who walks along
Who you are, to whom you belong.

In the rain, in the pain
In the losses, in the gain

In the rise in the fall
You remain unafraid, standing amid tall

You make me scared sometimes into my dreadful isolation
And soothe my defeat also, bestowing courageous motivation

Sometimes you go unheard and sometimes I leave you indifferent
Maybe due to that noise of greed and my phony existence recurrent

You live somewhere near heart and far from this biased brain
You sprout those thoughts within and curbs to let them drain   

You appear silent when, I am into any chaos or tend to fight 
When rest of the world including me is wrong, you remain right

I’ve heard, “God is within”, maybe you are the one who is synonym of God?
It is for sure you’ll never leave me alone, till my life’s wobbly pendulum nod.

I am into you, You are into me, You are no more unknown
You remain within the deepest of me, and into my probable clones.

You are no-one but my own positive reflectance,
You are the ‘Innerself’, probably my desperate sixth sense.   

-unboundmohit (c)