Tuesday, April 29, 2014

road to faith...

"There exists a virtual road in each n everyone's life, a road that loves journey not the destination. A road which is neither discriminative nor allows any sought of discrimination. This road originates from an unbiased & virgin heart which is independent of critisism and filled with the free flowing unorthodox thoughts. The road to faith do not possess an ending point, yet it encircles one's life completely.

Faith is nothing but a feeling filled with belief in something your heart thinks is right. God & faith always complements each other, where there is faith, there is God & where there is God, there exist faith. Road to faith is always hard to find but easy to drive, once you connect yourself to it. It does not have any barriers of caste & creed, blocks of forced religions & checks of biased sprituality through. 

For a barren land, a hopeful farmer use to travel his road to faith daily, in order to sow the seeds beneath the intense sun. Yet no one knows, someday his stubbornness will fetch the sprouts within the land to prosper"

Catch your road to faith & Be faithful to the one, who holds his/her faith in you. Thus, certainly you'll find your God on your way...someday !  

April's first drizzling...

April's first drizzling welcomed us this early morning, when we woke up.  Although it was just a drizzling but it was enough to quench the thirst of a monsoon lover. This day seems to be a bit different from the other April days. Everything around us was looking as fresh as to be new. That magical silence of early morning was being broken by those rain drops around. It seems that the mesmerizing smell of wet mud has filled the remaining space between us & nature.

Before I drown completely within the ecstasy of this morning, soon some questions strummed the chords of my mind, such as "What are we running for in this life's race?” “Is there exist any endpoint to it”, “do we really know the purpose of our being?” and many more. Further, before I dive into this ocean of questions raised within my inner self, I was deflected by her. She was wearing the same sweet smile on her face, which I love to see always. It seems that her smile has given me an answer of all those untamed questions, which were floating within my mind.

"Life is good, don't waste it running around seeking for something you actually not require anyways. Take a break and live your life not for mere living but for exploring it all around of yourself, every day to extract each n every bit of it that exist, before your soul finally leave your disposable body"

As the morning progressed for me, I came across a situation where a father is struggling to convince his kid, who is not willing to listen to him and don't want to leave his bed and certainly don't want to go to his school either.

...here the father is 'me' and the kid is my 'wife'! She often does that but like a smart father I made to convince her every time. But overall it was one of a great start to a day of my life.

Signing off for now,
will return soon with more updates on the coming monsoon!
Sayonara !

Reaching office early...

So, I've started reaching my office a bit early from my normal schedule, since I use to drop her daily to her school that lies in the way to my office. Reaching office early, helped me in some manner to explore something that I've never experienced in my entire professional journey. It is due to our lost upon attitude onto a place with which we ought to ignore the voice of our internal psyche that tends to connect itself with that place, in order to offer us something so special that we've never ever thought of.  We usually tends to ignore things around us being involved unnecessarily to something which are neither so important nor adds anything to our thoughts.
    A totally different environment of my office in the early hours is equivalent to 'how our earth looks to be in the early days before the final invading of humans onto it. Pure, peaceful, unbiased, unmaterialistic, innocent, respectful...are some expressions which fills the vacant ambience of my office in those early hours. Although, some people do present too into this ambience but I do not consider them to be those invading humans as they are the part of the expressions written above. The contributions of housekeeping people, the security guards, the pest control person, the helpers are something that gives my office a different feel into these early hours. 
   My day in my office starts once, I use to enter from the main gate, people all around wishes me and continue to do their respective works. Many people out of those mentioned above likes to convey their problems, ideas, and most of all 'respect' to me. It's a great feeling to know that the people to whom you interact very rarely, cares for you and respects you a lot. This is what I've felt and explored reaching office in the early hours, when people who works under some influence carrying that allocated fear of invading humans, use to share a bit of their lives and their respect with me. This is a feeling which makes you feel that respect is something, you cannot buy, snatch, ask, or force, it needs to be 'earned' rather.

Signing off with the pride of being a part of this world, unruled, unbiased...

Action speaks... !

A true life lived is all about justifying the worth of one’s existence and the existence stands justified by one’s attitude towards the deeds and not statements he perform or deliver in his entire life. It is a fact that Action speaks louder than what a word do.

Nowadays society seems to be deaf towards what one has said, but actions seems to be visible clearly into every segment of society and does last long too. It happens normally that the things one has said sublime much quickly with the time compared to the deeds one has performed. The age of words in this continuously moving world is very short and certainly ends up being lost upon somewhere amidst.

On the other hand, the impact of actions one has delivered is very penetrating and visible. Actions always overrule the words. An Action resembles to a sound that burst out into a valley followed by a series of resonating echoes. Here the sound is an action and the resonating echoes are the impacts produced by that action that remains in a valley for much longer. Whereas a word resembles to that whisper which originates from one’s mouth and ends into someone’s ear and thus dies forever.    

Signing off now with this,
"Drive your words into actions or let your actions drive into those pessimistic words of this world...forever"