Saturday, February 8, 2014

God & I: Is a Human exactly being!

It happens; often sometimes you feel that someone else is driving you, your thoughts, your actions and many other things that connect you to the life. Is it because we are governed by some external force? The answer is not exactly, since for many, life is flowing free into a skeptical mirage.
   Like an unending quest, we all are moving away as if we are the only masters of our own destiny. The level of confidence is pouring out as if it has started dominating our own lives. Continuously our beliefs are fading out, turning into a pessimistic & dominating feeling of ‘I’ over ‘We’. Forgetting, that our existence is nothing without a pure soul, that is lying deep beneath the debris of many illusive characters that we play across. The ones who’d forgotten the true cause of their being, their beliefs into the source from where they’d derived, are the ones who often found neglecting & ignoring the existence of any driving force in their lives.  
   Normally people think that our bodies are carrying soul, but actually a soul is carrying a disposable body. It’s like a temporary identity provided to us, in order to play our role.
God is not a character, neither a name; it is like a feeling, a belief, rather an owner to which our souls belong. In a form of an unseen energy, it surrounds each and every individual who thinks that they are still alive. And surely sometimes, this energy drives us too in our moments of despair.        
   I had a belief that God is everywhere; all you require is that sense by which you can assume his presence. Small or big, God’s miracles do happen into our day to day lives, and yes I even agree that most of them go unnoticed. Human race is turning selfish each day and we all are somehow getting soaked into the juice of materialism either.
  May a day come, when a human will certainly come to know the real purpose of his being !

-unboundmohit ©